I can’t believe how fast this year is going! Here in Connecticut, we had lots of snow over 25” in February alone (that’s a lot considering last year, we had one storm with about 3” for the entire winter). March has been a roller coaster, we’ve had some warm days and some bitter cold days. But spring is coming!
With spring, it makes me think of two things – cleaning and planning projects. Cleaning is just a deeper cleaning – moving furniture to clean behind, washing windows, etc. As for the planning projects, that’s more complicated. As a homeowner, there is the annual maintenance you have do to – clean the yard, gutters and see what winter has done to your home that needs fixing. For us, we take on a project or two each year. Last year, was replacing the backyard fencing. The year before, was replacing the roof. Doing things proactively is easier for us and helps with the budget too. What will this year’s project be? We are still deciding.
What does spring mean to you?
I’m lucky if I get to the windows and cleaning behind furniture!