Yes, please – don’t we all. I can remember as a kid finding a $5.00 bill on the floor of Radio City Music Hall and I was thrilled. That’s not what we are talking about today.
How can you find hidden funds in your budget? Here are some of the ways that we have reduced or eliminated expenses to find money without any struggle:
- Do you have subscriptions and/or memberships that you don’t use? Cancelling those things and put more money in your pocket.
- Shop with a plan. We make a list of meals for the week and then look at what we have in the house then make the grocery list for shopping. Without it, we would be making duplicate purchases and spending more money at the store.
- Do emails make you shop? Unsubscribe from temptation. If you didn’t need the item before you opened the email, you probably don’t need to spend money on the item. If you can’t unsubscribe, then consider having those emails come to a different email that you only check when you need an item. Don’t be tempted to shop because of an email sale or daily deal.
- Are you paying bank fees? Stop! We have several bank accounts and don’t pay and monthly fees for any of our accounts. Find out what you need to do to avoid the fees associated with your account.
- You’ve heard this before, bring your beverage, lunch and snacks with you from home. A coffee for $3.00, a snack for $2.00 and lunch for $10.00 is $15.00 a day or $75.00 a week and $3,750 a year. What else could you do with that savings?
- Use your rewards points / rewards for items. We have a credit card without an annual fee, that gives us points for using. When it comes to our holiday shopping, we are able to use point for gift cards and this reduces our holiday shopping budget.
- Do you know your discounts and use them? What benefits does your company offer it’s employees? Take advantage of these savings opportunities. We get a discount on our monthly cell phone bills just for showing a paystub once a year. Our bank debit card offers us savings offers. We review the website and when we make the purchase then a percentage of the sale is deposited back to our checking account.
For more savings tips, pick up a copy of my books 111 Ways To Save.
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