Can you believe it, it’s fall and the year end is in sight!
For me, there is lots to do (and I am not thinking the holidays yet).
This time of year means it’s time to review my health insurance choices. Open enrollment for health insurance is here (or just a week or so away). Medicare is already in the open period, the state of CT will open up the 1st of November and many company plans have the open enrollment at this point too. It’s time to reevaluate and determine if I want to stay on the same healthcare plan or make a change.
If you have a FSA (Flexible Spending Account), start to look at the balance and determine how to use the funds. This is a use it or lose it type of account. You wouldn’t want to lose money, would you? If you have an HSA (Health Savings Account), have you maximized your contributions for 2020? This can be a great way to lower your taxable income. Make sure you pay all your eligible medical expenses with this account.
Take the time now to do your research and make the choices that are right for you and your family now.